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Milner Safe Serial Numbers. The first safe actually belonged to Pharaoh Ramesses II back in the 13th century BC and it was the ancient Romans that first fixed. Welcome to the Chubb Archive web site - your one-stop resource for dating and information on vintage and antique locks and safes. Chatwood-Milner: Chubb Family. Milner safe serial numbers lookup. Can anyone tell me what the serial number 202420 says about my milner 212 thief resisting safe? This number is on the front top edge above the hinge. Serial number for milner safe. THEY WERE ALWAYS KEPT AT THE SAFE WORKS. - Serial numbers for Chubb, Hobbs Hart, Milner, Chatwood and Chatwood Milner. I have paperwork issued to Chubb Branch Offices during 1985 which provide details of serial numbers and the corresponding years of manufacture.


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