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See more of Championship Manager 03/04 Updates on Facebook. Create New Account. See more of Championship Manager 03/04 Updates on Facebook. Cm 03 04 original database. After CM 03/04 came Football Manager, which was basically just CM 03/04 with a new skin, updated database and Sega stamped on the front. CM03/04 was ok, but no CM 01/02. Me, Mark Wright and Trevor Brooking still play that today. Championship Manager; CM 03/04; Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. Having an empty database? Best of tactics to replace the original ones? With the latest Championship Manager, there comes a Data Editor. If you click 'Start' and then 'All Programs', you should find and file called 'Championship Manager 03-04'. Click on this with the mouse and 2 options will come up. Click on Data Editor. This will take you into a program where you can edit the database of the game.


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