Extreme Makeover Home Edition Torrent Season 9
Jan 21, 2005 - Some good sites for bittorrent TV episodes download. I am desparatelty trying to find Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Does anyone know where + how to download the tv series on TNT. May 6th, 2007 at 12:26 #9.
A family that has faced hardship has their dilapidated house completely rebuilt while they are away on vacation for a week. While early episodes renovated houses, the usual approach is to tear down the house on the first day and build a brand new, usually much larger, one, fully furnished. The houses are customized to the families, with rooms reflecting the interests of, especially, the children, and special technology for any unusual medical conditions. Host Ty Pennington usually has a 'secret' project which is only revealed when the family sees it.
The construction is accomplished with the help of a large army of blue-shirted volunteers and a wide array of sponsor-donated products and services. What a fantastic show! It makes you laugh, makes you cry, and gives you hope that there are still people out there who are willing to work their socks off to give to other people. It makes one believe that perhaps the world isn't so full of cold, selfish people out to please themselves. It really makes me feel good inside to see how happy the people on the receiving end are, and it's also wonderful to see that the men don't feel they have to be 'manly' or 'butch', and have no qualms about crying on camera, to be seen by heaven knows how many people. The fact the team go to such lengths to make the house the best it possibly could be, tailored to the family, is amazing. Imagine if you were on the receiving end, how ecstatic would you feel?
Imagine your joy, and then you may be able to imagine just how the families helped by ABC and the EM:HE team feel. Their lives have been turned around, picked up, and there are much fewer things for them to worry about. I know a lot of people have issues with this show, that they feel it is base and demeaning, and the people on it are undeserving. The people they feature are needy in different ways, and just because they aren't destitute and living on the street doesn't make them any less deserving. The fact the team have worked to make houses safer for residents to live in (such as the girl allergic to sunlight) proves in my mind that this is much more than just a reality TV programme.
This is life-changing, and absolutely stunning. In my opinion, this show is one of the most heart-warming reality TV shows I've come across, and I think there should be more!
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Helping people who need it, changing their lives in ways they never could have done themselves, I think that's an amazing thing. Kudos to ABC, and to the design team and the contractors who work through the night to get the house done. It's fantastic!
Contents • • • • Episodes [ ] Episode Title Location Original airdate Production Code 189 'The Jubilee House / Marshall Family' September 25, 2011 ( 2011-09-25) 901 The team surprises a woman, that has been a soldier, who takes in women that have been in the army, navy or other when they are homeless after when they have been divorced or live alone. One soldier had 2 sons, the owner of the Juilee House son has learning disabilities. First Lady Michelle Obama comes on the show, and a new designer, Sabrina Soto, comes on in. 190 'The Gomez Family' October 2, 2011 ( 2011-10-02) 902 Jonah Gomez, a seven-year-old boy, was born with both different blood disorders.