
Dry Cracked Skin On Foreskin

Hello, Without examination,confirming a diagnosis is tough but the various possibilities for your symptoms are contact dermatitis,sweat dermatitis,eczema,psoriasis and balanitis xerotica obliterans. Eczema is a form of chronic dermatitis (rash) and can cause dryness of the skin and rashes.Allergic reaction is one of the important causes of eczema. Lichen sclerosis appears as white,dry plaques on the glans, foreskin or shaft of the penis.Balanitis xerotica is a severe form of lichen sclerosis.Psoraisis can also cause dry,itchy skin rashes. In my opinion a clinical examination by a dermatologist will help in confirming a diagnosis as treatment depends on the same.Pls get it done.Till then you should apply hypoallergenic moisturizers liberally and avoid any cosmetic cream on the site.Application of corticosteroid cream will also help.

A dry skin on penis, penile shaft, penile head (glans) or foreskin may be an indication of various health or skin conditions. Mostly, the skin appears white or red, bumpy, scaly and flaky.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing and what the dermatologist says. Had the same problem for 6 to 7 months but found the cure, if u want to call it that.

What causes dry cracked skin

Materials include hydrgen peroxide, hydrocortisone cream, and neosporin. Use cream and neo on alternating days.

For those who have thin red lines it will burn and sting but mine went away after a wek of my treatment. It seems to bean infection via bacteria so peroxide should be used. To dry out and kill bacteria that liv e in moist environment.

Apply during morning and night. Let it bubbl and leave it on as long as possible, I did it2-3 times a day. After pat drying apply cream/neo to entire inected area depending on day. Works in a week even with random hard ons. If urg rises to do your thing always put peroxide and cream on afterwords. Hope this helps it the only thing that worked for me good luck.

Use peroxide to kill bacteria and hydrocortisone cream after you dr it. Had al symptoms above for nearly 6 months off an on finally tried somthing and it worked. If urge comes to do ur thing through the pain just make sure you put more hydrogen peroixd and cream on. Up to 3 times a day I peroxided and applied cream gone within a week. Burning/ stinging should be expexcted, peroxide is only for drying out the place where bacteria live/ multply and cream must prevent growth and hep heal. Programma chistki forsunok. Like I said6 days or so nd gone besides little white scar lines from u kno what.

Good luck, may ur shaft be healthy. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only.