
Crystal Reports For Net Framework 20 X64 Redistributable Package 64 Bit

Jan 29, 2018 - Crystal Reports For.Net Framework 2.0 X64 Redistributable Package (64 Bit) NET Framework 2.0 (x64). Z ro angel dust 2012 download. (x64) installed if you Instalador de crystal report Net Framework 2.0: 0: Anonymous:: Crystal Reports merge modules are available for 32 and 64-bit.

I also have a few applications with Crystal version 8.x. I have no problems with Windows 7 - 32 bit. 64 bit is giving me fits right now. The problem involves passing the path to the system workgroup file to crystal through the registry so crystal can access the database that is controlled by user permission. Rukovodstvo po remontu renault premium 420 dci 2018. Another application using Crystal 8.x using ADO to pass the recordsets to Crystal runs with no problems. So, it seems to depend on your method of data access. Hope this is helpful to you.


===================================================== Update - I found the answer for passing the info to crystal 8.x through the registry - The entries that would normally be in the HKLM Software. Key need to be moved to the HKLM Software Wow6432Node. The keys in this location are passed to 32 bit programs running in the 64 bit environment. So, now I have no remaining problem. Warning: Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved.

Modify the registry at your own risk.