
Chingiz Ajtmatov Kratkaya Biografiya Na Kirgizskom Yazike

Chingiz ajtmatov kratkaya biografia na kirgizskom yazike

Annotation For Foreigners WELCOME TO TURKEY TURKEY AND MIGRATION. Entry into Turkey and Exit from Turkey - Entry into and exit from Turkey are through the border gates with a valid passport and travel document. - Foreigners; should submit their passport or travel document or document to the officials at the time of entry into exit from Turkey. In both Russian and Kyrgyz, many of his works, which are predominantly long short stories and novellas, were originally written in the latter language.

Plant protection plays important role in agricultural production system. Quality and quantity of crop might be enhanced by means of controlling diseases sufficiently. One of the management used against diseases is the chemical control. But chemical control gives rise to many problems such as human and environment hazards, and pathogen resistance. The increasing interest in biological control of plant diseases has expanded in recent years because of increasing these problems. Biological control of plant diseases, in its widest sense, is means of controlling disease or reducing the amount and the effect of pathogens by biological mechanisms or organisms other than man. One way of methods which were used for success is the direct application of antagonists to plant and soil environment.


Mode and time of application of biocontrol agents are the most important factors affecting success in biological control. Antagonists are applied to soil as a drench, colonisation of natural and synthetic substrates, and to plant as a spraying on the parts of above ground, application on the infection point and wounds. These application methods were dealt with in detail in this review.

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