Chertezhi Samoleta H 14a
The most famous among the ultra-light aircraft is the Cree-Cree (which was shown in the movie 'Armor of God' with Jackie Chan in the main role) a twin-engined 'mini' weighing 63 kg. A simple angular shape of the fuselage, an unusually large 'streamlined' cockpit lantern, as well as two engines installed on the pylons in the bow of the fuselage. By design, 'Cre-Cree' is a one-piece all-metal low-wing. The plane is exclusively amateur and is designed for self-production at home. ================================ The kit includes: Drawings (full) 42 sheets. Characteristics of 3 sheets. The description of the aircraft 18 sheets.
Article about the plane 5 sheets. Drawings and manuals in English. But everything is clear in principle. The product volume is 40 Mb.
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PDF format ================================ Flight-technical characteristics of the 'Cree-Cree' * Full wingspan, m. 4.9 * Wing chord (without flaps), m. 0.48 * Wing chord (with flaps), m. 0.63 * Total wing area, sq. 3.1 * Wing extension.
7.75 * Transverse angle of the wing (from the root), degree. 4 * Twist of the wing, degree.- 1.5 * Type of ailerons. Junkers * The total length of the aircraft, m. 3.91 * Total height of the aircraft, m.
1.2 * The range of G.O., m. 1.55 * Chord, G.O., m. 0.395 * Track chassis, m.
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1.1 * Base of the chassis, m. 1.15 * Diameter of propellers, m.
0,695 * Base of propellers, m. 0.95 * Length of the cockpit, m.
1.3 * Width of the cockpit, m. 0,55 * Height of the cockpit, m. 0.82 * Wing profile. VORTMANN * Diameter of the nose wheel, mm. 200x50 * Diameter of the main wheels, mm.
210x70 * Engine, 2 piece. JPX PUL-212 * Power, 2 pcs. For 15 hp * Revolutions, rpm. 6000 * Capacity of the fuel tank, l. 23 * Maximum empty weight, kg.
75 * Maximum take-off weight, kg. Speed in the dive, km / h. Horizontal speed, km / h. Cruising speed, km / h. 200 * Flaps down.
72 * Flaps removed. Rate of climb, m / s. Rate of climb (with one engine), m / s.
1.5 * Ceiling, m. 5000 * Running time, m.
100 * Distance to H = 15 m, m. 300 * Mileage, m. 150 * Distance from H = 15 m, m. Range of flight, km. 400 * Time of flight, h. 3 * Fuel consumption, l / 100 km.
+ 10 / -5 *Max. How to pay for the goods on the trading floor PLATI.RU Here you will find descriptions and videos payment methods.
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Full text of ' NASA TECHNICAL TRANS L ATI O N cs NASA U f-542 m o X I ^ a 1 > o a 0- CD LOAN COPY: RETURN TO AFWL tWLOL-2) KIRTtAND AFB, N MEX AERODYNAMICS AND FLIGHT DYNAMICS OF TURBOJET AIRCRAFT by T. Ligmn Transport Press, Moscow, 1967 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION • WASHINGTON, D. • SEPTEMBER 1969 iiii TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM DOb'^lDOa iN-fXlOfX X J. X-ua.«j AERODYNAMICS AND FLIGHT DYNAMICS OF TURBOJET AIRCRAFT By T. Ligum Translation of 'Aerodinamika i Dinamika Poleta Turboreaktivnykh Samoletov' Transport Press, Moscow, 1967 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION For sal* by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Springfield, Virginia 22151 - CFSTI price $3.00 / Table of Contents Introduction.,•■•• Chapter I. The Physical Basis of High-Speed Aerodynamics §1. Variations in the Parameters of Air with Altitude.
The Standard Atmosphere. Compressibility of Air. The Propagation of Small Disturbences in Air Sound and Sound Waves. The Speed of Sound as a Criterion for the Compressibility of Gases. The Mach Number and its Value in Flight Problems §6. Flight Speed. Corrections to Instrument Readings Necessitated by Compressibility.