
Alerton Visual Logic Software


Below are two options for downloading Visual Logic ( for use only with the the purchase of a PIN code.) When you run Visual Logic, you will be asked to browse to your VLSig file. The VLSig file will provide an electronic signature to authenticate your work. (If you have a USB thumb drive, you can save both Visual Logic and your VLSig file on your thumb drive and then you can run Visual Logic directly from the thumb drive.) Option #1: Right-click to download Visual Logic.

If you are having problems downloading, you can use a different web browser (such as Mozilla FireFox) or you can get the ZIP file from option #2 below. Option #2: Right-click to download a ZIP file containing Visual Logic. You can save the ZIP file to your machine and then unzip the file to get the executable.

I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight on the best ways to prevent vendor lock when installing a new BMS system. In case that isn't a term used everywhere it means that it is easy to limit who can work on a BMS due to hardware/software constraints which seriously limit your ability to change contractors after the system has been installed. I believe the Niagra platform allows this as long as the vendor does not lock down the system (using NiCS). Africa Any insight or resources would be very helpful!

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Independent BMS Consultant here. (I don't rep or sell any brands) in my experience, if a company or branch of a company is expending effort to lock access to a clients BMS. They should be dropped immediately. It shows they are insecure in the quality of their work and fear the client might bring in someone else. A company that is really good at what they do, doesn't fear competition.

Option #1: Right-click here to download Visual Logic. If you are having problems downloading, you can use a different web browser (such as Mozilla FireFox) or you can get the ZIP file from option #2 below. Option #2: Right-click here to download a ZIP file containing Visual Logic. You can save the ZIP file to your machine and then unzip the.

And for those that say they are trying to 'protect' the system from an untrained client: first train the client, second if the client is making changes without calling you, it's because they don't trust you or think your worth the money - you have the power to change that. Edit: agree with definitely include in the contract that you have administrative password to system including passwords to the panels and copies if the programming. For extra points, ask the vendor provide flow charts along with the the sequence of Operations a bit of pain for them to generate, but usually a lot easier to diagnose issues than reading their code for GPL • • • •.

Alerton controls manual

I totally get that first part. Request passwords for the panels as well as the main system is a good idea. I always require a sequence of operation before commissioning so that is take care of.

I guess my question is that a lot of products are claimed to be open but they are really not. As an independent do you have any hardwares/softwares that you would recommend that end up with the most flexibility? I'm seeing a lot of Alerton, Delta, Vykon/Niagra.

Recommendations for good reading as well would be great! Thanks so much • • • • •. I would stick with Niagara, just keep in mind that even if a vendor says they are open they can still lock you out. Request to see the license files in JACEs and verify that they are unlocked. Request both Station and platform credentials from the system integrator.

Tridium is great because its purpose is flexibility. You can use bacnet mstp/ip, Lon, modus and others all on the same system. The new version (N4) will not require license upgrades to get driver access to the standard communication protocols.